blogging & search engine optimization (SEO) |
Below is a semi-whimsical poem I wrote to help me face up to my own reservations about blogging & SEO. Think of it as comic relief, and please try not to take it too seriously; but there must be some truth in it as well, that we should all consider soberly before we take the blogging or SEO plunge.
Perhaps I Shall Blog About
Bloggers Who Blog About Blogging by Kris Freeberg July 6, 2015 |
Perhaps I shall blog
About bloggers who blog About blogging. My hunch is that Time would be better spent Lifting, or jogging. They boast of an income That most of us find Stratospheric, That, when credible, Often turns out to be Victory, pyrrhic. Are their boasts true? I'm not sure. But it Sure gets my hopes up. But if it wastes time, The futility Would make me throw up. Punctuation and grammar? Most blogs I've read Are quite atrocious. Mangle our language With false hopes? I'll get ferocious! I offered to blog About something I know: Economics. They said, "We don't do that." I said, "Huh? It's too real?" How ironic. I read a book once. It said blogging's about Narcissism: That disease that has Ravaged our culture and Caused so much schism. What is a blog? "It's all about me And my views . . . My opinions and rants, How I feel about The latest news . . . ." I think of Ray Dalio's Video 'bout Productivity, Opportunity Cost, Scams, deceptions, all kinds of Futility . . . . The scams that I've seen! People run to be snookered And fooled . . . . And they'll run from hard work, No matter how skilled Or well-tooled . . . . Yes, I'm skeptical, Doubtful, reluctant, And maybe too old . . . But my gut screams to me Blog attention's A kind of fool's gold; My greatest concern, Arousing the Most reservation Is that blogging could Dissipate us, and be Our ruination. Those who blog about blogging Think six figures a month Is a need . . . . But the more that I study, The more I see It's about greed, About building false hopes Among those who can't Cipher or spell, So they languish in vanity, Suff'ring a strange Kind of hell . . . . How to make money blogging? The answers are all Kinda hazy . . . And I realize blogging Attracts those of us Who are lazy. Maybe from blogging The fruits can be Savory and sweet . . . . But my hunch is that, Most of the time, it is Just plain effete. I recall what the Bible Has told us about Many words, And I see that To blog about blogging Is plainly absurd. So I'll write circumspectly, And sparsely; Around me I'll look. If I publish my stuff, It'll be in an Old-fashioned book. ~~~ What of SEO? Shall we get those Top rankings in Search? Black hat ways? Algorithms to game Like they forbid in church? Mendacious nonsense, Absurd. God forbid That we waste Our time and our lives On duplicity, Deceit, and haste. I've seen much deception, And here is what I make of it: Those who make money By lying Fall in their own pit. ~~~ So, what to conclude? What is the best Way to go? Go for what's real. Forget about Numbers and show. Treat people like people, Not things. Call them not "that", but "who." Treat each client like They are the only. That's what we should do. Treat them like people. Pay good Attention to them. Be organized, and Be sure to use Good CRM. Be sincere and authentic, Do what matters, Be kind and humane, And your biz will be fine, And you will stay Healthy, and sane. |