It's all about productivity.
(To see why, watch the video.)
(To see why, watch the video.)
"I think your Contribution Margin is profound, and a breakthrough."
~ Psychologist & Human Resource Management professional "I'm loving the efficiency and accuracy of the program." ~ Satisfied architect client |

- Real-time stats to alter the game while it is being played.
- Lower total cost. Instead of being saddled with a hefty, never-ending per user/month subscription fee, you pay one up-front per division setup/configuration fee, followed by a VERY MODEST per user/month figure, just enough to cover ongoing server & bandwidth expenses. Cost comparisons available on request.
- Effortless roll-ups. We understand you're not just multi-tasking; you're probably "multi-projecting" too. That's why the app is designed to roll up many projects effortlessly. To get a high overview of everything you're managing, there's nothing "extra" you have to do like defining "groups" or setting up a summary view that may or may not "remember" latest additions or changes. It's all there, all the time, automatically current, available to be sorted, grouped, prioritized, and summarized. If you want to focus on one project, simply filter on it. Meanwhile it's all there, so you'll never lose sight of the forest for the trees.
- It's not just a productivity app; neither is it just a project management app. It is a productivity AND project management app focused on a unique, vital measure of your business' health ignored by others: Contribution Margin.
- With the Burden Rate, it connects future (Project Management), present, and past (Accounting). Normally, even the best PM applications deal poorly with the future-past relationship, either ignoring it or requiring incomplete, haphazard, duplicate record-keeping.
- It tracks Percentage Complete automatically.
- It's customizable. No more cluttered bloatware, working around screens, buttons, links, and reports that don't matter. We keep it lean, mean, and relevant.
- It's not just stand-alone software; it comes with the professional expertise of your Making End$ Meet Economist.
- It's pragmatic. Its specifications were not based on theoretical opinions of software developers; they were set by real business owners, based on their first-hand, long-term experiences. For example, we understand that your work day is filled with interruptions and distractions, so our time sheets don't require a detailed accounting of all hours worked. They're realistic, and their realism results in vital measures not available elsewhere, like % Hours Billed.
- Because it's such a complete solution, it can double as your data source for payroll, bids & estimates, and invoicing.
- It's not proprietary. It plays well with others.