Simple Lifetime Savings Plan |
In a hurry? Is the complete, six-page, twenty-question Lifetime Savings Plan interview too long?
Here's a quick version to get started.
Just copy and paste the below questions into an email addressed to [email protected] with your answers, and we'll get a simple, straightforward starter plan to you right away.
Here's a quick version to get started.
Just copy and paste the below questions into an email addressed to [email protected] with your answers, and we'll get a simple, straightforward starter plan to you right away.
The Questions
(Copy & paste into an email with your answers.)
- Current age?
- At what age would you like to retire?
- In today's dollars, what would you like your annual retirement standard of living to be?
- What's the current housing situation?
- If you need to buy a house in the future, what do you want? When? Price?
- What sort of ride do you like to drive, when do you need to buy your next vehicle, how much would you like to spend, and roughly how often (years) do you feel the need to replace?
- Of the current cash and cash equivalents you now have, how much should we consider to be the starting balance on a savings portfolio for affording the above?