Thank you for the privilege, honor, and pleasure of serving you. I'm reaching out today to request your help benefiting society because as a current or former client, you're familiar with my work. You've experienced its benefits first-hand.
As you know, over the past year and a half or so I've been hard at work developing a productivity and project management solution called "HWD" which stands for How We Did, How We're Doing, and How We'll Do. It's unique because it measures Contribution Margin, early, before results hit the accounting records, while there's time to improve it . . . while the horse is still in the barn, so to speak. Contribution Margin (CM) is revenue minus all costs that vary with it. When CM = Overhead, businesses break even, and when CM > Overhead, they become profitable. Very few businesses even know what CM is or, more importantly, what THEIRS is. To have a healthy economy, community, and society, we need businesses of all sizes to be profitable. (I learned about CM at UW's Foster School of Business, from the guy who wrote the book on the subject: Professor Gary Sundem. It was a real treat to take a course like that from the author of the text. Consequently, the lessons really stuck; and, decades later, they still affect me profoundly today.) Profit is not evil or greedy. Profit is the price of Entrepreneurship just as Wages are the price of Labor, Interest is the price of Capital, and Rent is the price of Land. They're all legitimate, essential factors of production. And Entrepreneurship is, quite literally, what brings them all together. Without Entrepreneurship the other factors just sit there, idle. Therefore as a catalyst, Entrepreneurship is the most vital and valuable factor. With a country $19T in debt (see U.S. Debt Clock, and debt time line since 1940), we need robustly profitable businesses paying a lot of taxes to take care of it. That is the big picture I am trying to address. (The person who best demonstrates the relationship between productivity and both long- and short-term debt cycles is Ray Dalio of Bridgewater Capital in this half-hour video which I hope you'll take the time to watch.) Over the past year and a half I have developed not just one application, but a whole suite of them for various industries. You may be using, or considering using, a version of it now. As you may remember from a previous, recent email message, the latest versions are for real estate (managing) brokers and investors. I'm sure you'll agree how as a society, we need businesses to thrive. We need them to be both productive and profitable. The tools I've developed and the assistance I offer help them get there. I'm also sure you know people who need them. Won't you please help me help them by spreading the word and introducing us? The clock is ticking. I hope you'll contact me soon with some introductions. Thanks for reading. For your, their, and our success, Kris Freeberg, Economist Making End$ Meet (360) 224-4322 |