2018 News
01/10/2018 - Skype Accounting presentation to the Northern Virginia chapter of the National Association of Residential Property Managers (NOVA NARPM). Video and Presentation Outline.
01/12/2018 - Migrated a client's accounting records from remotely-hosted Sage/Peachtree to QuickBooks Online, and integrated it with their cloud-hosted Customer Relationship Management (CRM) application.
01/14/2018 - Published the solution to the National Debt.
01/30/2018 - Improved the Universal Cash Flow Template to clarify cash profits and both their planned and actual uses; brings three normally difficult-to-understand accrual financial statements (Balance Sheet, Income Statement, Statement of Cash Flows) into one coherent, easily understood Cash In - Cash Out view, facilitating both tracking and planning.
01/10/2018 - Skype Accounting presentation to the Northern Virginia chapter of the National Association of Residential Property Managers (NOVA NARPM). Video and Presentation Outline.
01/12/2018 - Migrated a client's accounting records from remotely-hosted Sage/Peachtree to QuickBooks Online, and integrated it with their cloud-hosted Customer Relationship Management (CRM) application.
01/14/2018 - Published the solution to the National Debt.
01/30/2018 - Improved the Universal Cash Flow Template to clarify cash profits and both their planned and actual uses; brings three normally difficult-to-understand accrual financial statements (Balance Sheet, Income Statement, Statement of Cash Flows) into one coherent, easily understood Cash In - Cash Out view, facilitating both tracking and planning.
02/24/2018 - New book review, The Master Key System by Charles Haanel.
03/04/2018 - New book review, Value as a Service by Rob Bernshteyn
03/11/2018 - New book review, Family Wealth by James E. Hughes
03/26/2018 - New web page, Reflections on Email Marketing.
04/16/2018 - 23rd Annual Report & Top Mutual Funds Since 1996. News: Three Big Things
05/21-23/2018 - Attended Ben Kinney's Win Make Give event.
06/13/2018 - New book review, Work the System by Sam Carpenter
09/09/2018 - New book review, Principles by Ray Dalio
09/20/2018 - New web page, Lonely Work
10/08/2018 - Added link to Chris Smith's excellent piece, "Death of a Sales Force" to the Improve Income page.
11/12/2018 - New book review, Sharing the Wealth by Alex Spanos
11/13/2018 - New book review, Money: Master the Game by Tony Robbins
12/22/2018 - New book review, The Human Magnet Syndrome by Ross Rosenberg